I have just recently finished my training in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine with my amazing teachers, Xi Ru und Fritz Ritzer, Guido Hoenig, Lois Hacksteiner and Anna Gruber who due to their enthusiasm, open-mindedness and deep knowledge have sparked my interest in Chinese Medicine even further.
This and my belief in the importance of spirit or soul as the essence of true healing is how I came across the teachings of Classical Chinese Medicine which acknowledge the shamanistic and spiritual roots of this system of healing. These theories and practices were mostly left out of modern Chinese medical texts due to Communist China`s effort to standardize and “scientify” TCM and make it attractive to the West who usually has little interest in anything that is not scientific.
However many of the teachings of Classical Chinese Medicine (which consists of many different traditions and lineages) have survived and it is thanks to people like Heiner Frühauf, Jeffrey C. Yuen, Lonny Jarret, J.R. Worsley and his students among many others that these teaching have been made known to the west.
As I am learning and reading I decided to write a blog as I find it is a way to sort my thoughts. So you can also call it a diary for myself.
I am especially drawn to the teachings of J.R Worsley and his school with its focus on Five Element acupuncture theory and its profound insight into spirit and how we can experience its presence within us. Hence the name of the blog FiveSouls.
The Five Souls
The Five Spirits, also called the five shen, are the psycho spiritual energetic counterparts to The Five Elements. Each one of the Spirits represents a unique facet of the human psyche and corresponds to each of the Elements: Shen to Fire, Hun to Wood, Yi to Earth, Po to Metal, and Zhi to Water.
The origin of the Five Shen system is found within the Shangqing lineage of Taoist practice. It provides a template to understand the movement and influence of the five energies that define the psyche, emotions and the spiritual nature of human existence.
My Qualifciations
3 years training in traditional chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) with Xi Ru and Fritz Ritzer, Guido Hoenig, Lois Hacksteiner as well as Anna Gruber at the ZfN in Munich - 2016-2018
further education and practical training with Angela Körfers (TCM for Children), Don Halfkenny (Gua Sha); Natural Acupuncture (working in a field clinic in the South of India) - seit 2016
Nutrition according to the 5 elements (Barbara Temelie) - 2012
Shiatsu Massage (ESI München and Iokai Insitut Ulm) - 2011-2015
Vinyasa Flow Yoga (Frog Lotus Yoga/Yoga Alliance USA) und Yoga Therapy (Yoga Biomedical Trust UK) - 2007-2010
Yoga for children (Special Yoga Centre London) - 2010
Reiki 1 and 2 (Savitri Sriharan) - 2008
Thai Yoga Massage (Old Medicine Hospital Chiang Mai) 2010