Treatment and Consultation
The inseparability of constitution, body, psyche and spirituality lies in the nature of Chinese medicine. It is therefore particularly suitable for initiating a profound healing process that addresses and considers all levels of humanity.
Chinese medicine uses its diagnostic system to provide us with the opportunity to recognize at an early stage whether or not our body is in order. All perceptible criteria and physical symptoms, e.g. Appetite, temperature sensation, skin symptoms etc. are of importance and give an indication of where or in which functional circle the energetic imbalance lies.
My approach
My approach is focused on the cultivation of the 5 elemental forces within the human body which in Chinese Medicine are water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Each of these “elements” is associated with certain archetypal energies and interact with each other.
Following the teaching of the 5 Elemental acupuncture school I understand acupuncture as a way to identify and undo habits that block creative energy, and thus as a way to support the unfolding of our life's potential.
In the initial consulation, including questions, pulse and tongue diagnosis we will identify your energetic pattern according to which I choose acupuncture points to bring back balance and harmony.
However to maintain well being and a positive outlook we need to develop strategies to integrate into our life. Knowing which element is weak serves as a guideline to find a suitable practice. For example if your water element is weak regular acupressure (which you can do yourself) to a point located at the bottom of the foot called bubbling spring will stimulate and revitalize this element. You may treat yourself to have a foot massage every now and then.
Fürthermore the selection of the right foods will help you to keep your energy on track. Other tools might include the use of essential oils, herbal teas and healing crystals.
These tools give us clarity, insight that can help create a genuine positive shift which works on physical, mental and emotional levels.